Help us keep your power on
During these extreme temperatures, your electric cooperative is working hard to keep everyone’s power flowing.
When homes are using lots of electricity for heating or cooling, it can overload power lines. When that happens, outages can last hours or even days.
You can help prevent long outages. It’s simple!
Simple steps to reduce power usage
- Turn off unneeded lights
- Delay using appliances
- Appliances like clothes washers/dryers, dishwashers, even hair dryers, use lots of electricity. Delay using these appliances until outside temperatures have moderated.
- Adjust your thermostat
- When it is really cold or really hot outside, your home’s heating/cooling system works much harder to maintain indoor temperatures. Adjusting your thermostat just a few degrees—while staying safe and comfortable—can make a big difference in power use.
Thank you for helping us keep the power flowing!