Your local Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperative offers ways for you to receive the most value from your home-based renewable energy investment. Please read the information in this area to best understand which option will provide energy value to you.

Consider Net-Metering
Contact your local cooperative or visit its website to learn specifics on Net Metering. If your cooperative is offering net metering, you may qualify for that option. If Net Metering is not available:

Member-Supplied Renewable Energy Interconnection
Determine if your renewable energy source meets the criteria for Member-Supplied Renewable Energy Interconnection.

• Generates electricity using solar energy, wind energy, biomass or biogas energy or hydro energy
• Has a rated capacity of not greater than 100 kilowatts
• Is located on your premises
• Is owned and operated by you (the member)
• Is connected in parallel with your cooperative’s electric distribution system
• Has the primary purpose of supplying all or part of your own electricity requirements

Apply to Interconnect:
For Member-Supplied Renewable Energy, simply complete the application for interconnection below (select your energy provider’s link for proper form). You will need your account number and some details about your system.

Blue Grass Energy

Inter-County Energy

Nolin RECC

Shelby Energy

Larger than 100 kW system?

Options for large capacity generation include Co-Generation and Small Generator Interconnection. Click these links to learn more.

Historical locational marginal pricing (LMP)
